Review My Submitted Parts Order
Once an order for parts has been submitted to Whalen through the Parts Store, it is possible to review it by selecting the Review My Submitted Parts Order link from the main menu.
After clicking on that link you will be redirected to the Completed Parts Orders page where you can search for open parts quotes that have been submitted to the manufacturer.
From this page you can search for your completed orders using any or all of the criteria specified below:
·Order Number
·Ship To
You can also elect to view just your orders of all of the orders submitted from your office.
Once you have entered your search criteria click the Search button to locate your completed parts orders. If any orders are found they will be displayed in a grid at the bottom of the search page. By default, if you do not know any of the information requested by the search criteria you may leave everything blank and click the Search button. This will cause a list of all of your submitted orders to be generated regardless of any of the search criteria.
To remove any values from the search dialog click the Clear button. This will reset the form.
Once you have located the order click the magnifying glass next to the order number. This will redirect you to the order details page. More information regarding the order details can be found in the help topic entitled Submitted Orders.